Let People Enjoy Things

This is a good policy
for everyone
but it is especially true
when you’re building a business.

We’re all searching
for social media content
and it might be tempting
to post
that we hate the hot new TV Show
or the latest superhero movie
or whatever else is big
in the entertainment world.

We also might
believe we’re being rewarded
for posting about this
because a lot of people
will comment,
saying they feel the same way.

But we won’t see
the people
whose joy we just stomped on.
We won’t know
that for them
our business or brand
is now associated
with unhappiness.
We won’t know
that they have decided
we’re not the business or brand
for people like them.

There’s really no upside
to ruining someone’s joy
over their entertainment choices.

Oh, and those posts
about never having seen
an episode
of whatever the hot show is?
That’s merely a sneaky way
of saying you disapprove
of people
who DO enjoy that hot show.

If it isn’t hurting anyone,
let people enjoy things.

Categorized as Marketing