Marketing To Introverts

Most of my readers (customers)
are introverts.

Introverts lose energy
when they talk with others.
They need alone time
to recharge.

You usually can’t distinguish
who is or isn’t an introvert
from a brief encounter.
Many of us
(and yes, I’m in introvert)
have forced ourselves
to act like extroverts.

Because the world (and success)
is often built for extroverts.

As is most promotion,
especially in the Romance Novel Business.

Facebook parties,
tell us what you think to win contests,
book signings and other public appearances
are all catered toward extroverts
(people who gain energy
around other people)
and are often horrific for introverts.

What kinds of marketing
do introverts like?

They like bonuses
that come with a purchase
(no additional interactions needed).
They like social media posts
that they get something from
without answering a question.
They like author notes
at the end of a book
or clever ‘extras’ printed
on packages.
They like ‘clubs’
where they can lurk.
They like being able
to find answers on a website
or answers to anticipated questions
being answered on social media.
They like the option
to email or text message
customer service.

When introverts DO
communicate with you,
keep those communications private.
Those communications are precious.
Cherish them.

If you’re likely to have introvert customers
(and they ARE about 50% of the population),
consider designing
some of your marketing
to appeal to them.

Categorized as Marketing