Marketing Isn’t A Separate Activity

I see this
in the Romance Novel Writing Industry
quite often.

A writer (business builder)
will produce a book (product)
and then hand it over
to someone else
(a publisher or a marketing professional)
to promote.

The writer views that
as a completely separate activity.

And I understand
how she might perceive it
as one.
We often have a separate person/entity
concentrating on the marketing.

That’s because it is a HUGE task.
It shouldn’t be
because marketing is a separate activity.

Successful products/services
usually consider marketing
at every stage of their development.

My titles (product names), for example,
are almost always
based on branding/marketing considerations.
If the word ‘Duke’ is placed
in a historical romance title,
sales increase.

To have Duke in a title,
the story has to be about…a Duke.
Marketing changes story
(or story changes marketing).
It impacts
ALL of a novel’s product development.

If this is necessary for
Romance Novel Writing,
a highly creative industry,
it is likely necessary
for your business.

Consider marketing
at every step
of product development.

It isn’t a separate activity.

Categorized as Marketing