The Radical Early Adopters

I released my first book
in a certain genre
four years ago.
I was a brand new writer
for those readers.
I had a totally different voice (brand).

The early adopters,
the folks loving new and different,
naturally gathered around my books.

Four years later,
some of those early adopters
are pressing me
to write something
radically different.
They’re accustomed to my voice (brand).
It no longer shocks and excites them.

My books (products) are new and different.
They merely aren’t new and different
to satisfy them.

It’s VERY difficult
for a writer to change her voice
(that part of her branding).
I am unlikely to satisfy
these radical early adopters again.

They will find other new writers
and that’s okay.
I have mainstream readers (prospects)
to offset those losses.

As your brand becomes
more dependable,
you WILL lose the radical early adopters.

Plan for that.