The Facebook Friend Sample Size

I use Facebook only for business.
That means my personal profile
is all business contacts also.

Many of them
tend to be readers (prospects)
and I’m not picky about my friends
except they have to be readers.
(Other professionals
in the Romance Novel Business
are usually readers also.)

The friend limit on Facebook
is 5,000 friends.
The people who regularly post
are fewer than that number.
That makes it almost perfect
as a sample size.

Over the years,
I’ve seen correlations.

Supporters of a certain President,
for example,
are unlikely to share
my book release posts.

Women who don’t like
Captain Marvel
are also unlikely to share
my book release posts.
They tend to be supporters
of a certain President also.

This has helped me
get to know my potential readership.
After years of studying them,
I can pretty much predict
whether or not they’ll like
a new release (a new product).

Facebook isn’t the only business
who can use stats on their customers
to make predictions.

We can do this too.

Look for patterns
in what your Facebook friends

Categorized as Marketing