Dissect Your Failures

Everyone fails.
Not everyone uses that failure
to change, to grow, to succeed.

The difference
between the first group
and the second
is how we look at failure.

When I fail,
I ask myself why.
If I was basing
my strategy on others,
others who were successful,
I’ll ask
what happened differently.
I’ll ask
at what point
did it swing
from possible success
to failure.
I’ll dig into the details,
discover what could be done

Then I’ll repeat the process,
doing those things differently.

Seth Godin

“…it often pays
to look at trouble
with a microscope.

Not to get intimidated
by the amorphous blob
that could snuff out your dreams,
but instead to look at
the tiny component parts,
learning how it is constructed
and taking away its power.

Once you realize how it’s built,
you can deal with it.”

Dissect your failures.
Look at the parts.
Try to pinpoint
what went wrong
and what you’ll do differently
the next time.