Storytelling Is A Fundamental Skill

I’ve built a decent business
on the basis of storytelling.
That is all I sell – stories.

And people buy.
Because storytelling has worth.
Storytelling can change the world.

I see it doing that
with the number of stories
featuring diverse characters
being told.
It is empowering
and motivating
entire groups of people.

And storytelling
is how we sell products
– all products.
It is how politicians
get elected.
It is how we convince
people to change.

Carmine Gallo

“A wealthy investor
at Y Combinator,
the iconic investment firm
behind startups
such as Reddit and Airbnb,
convinced me
to stop using the term.
During our conversation,
he called out my mistake.

“Let’s talk about
a soft skill like storytelling,”
I said.

“Soft?” he shot back.
“If an entrepreneur
can’t tell a convincing story,
I’m not investing.
You call it soft.
I call it fundamental.”

Storytelling is a fundamental skill.
Learn it.

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