Going bankrupt
is a very real possibility
for business builders.
It often takes
a few unsuccessful ideas
to find a successful one.
One fear that holds
some potential business builders back
“My spouse/loved one will leave me
if we go broke.”
That’s only a legitimate concern
if you were rich
when you met your loved one.
If you were broke a$$,
as I was when I met my now husband,
you don’t have much to fear.
You’re been broke together
and survived.
You’ll survive this stint
of having no money also.
You DO have things to fear
if you didn’t talk through
the risks with your loved one
before starting the business,
if you went from
being equal team members
to being a boss and a subordinate,
if you tried to hide
your now failure
from your loved one,
treating him/her like a child
instead of like your partner.
All that signals
issues with the relationship,
issues that existed
BEFORE the business failed.
A failing business
will expose faults.
It won’t cause
a relationship to fail.
(Shared by someone
who has successfully weathered
many failures
with her spouse)