Selling At Amazon

I don’t rely
on Amazon
to bring me readers (customers).

The readers
randomly searching Amazon
are usually looking for
cheap books
and/or books with high ratings.

I can’t compete
on pricing
with writers who don’t pay
for quality control costs
like editing.

I can’t compete
with writers who pay
for all 5 star reviews.

Seth Godin

“Amazon, on the other hand,
has infinite shelves.
And no buyers.
As a result,
they’re relying on an algorithm
that rewards
low prices and high ratings.
But the best way
to lower prices
is to make junk.
And the best way
to high ratings
is to fake them.

There’s no cost, zero,
for yet another hustler
to bring yet another unknown logo
and brand name to the site,
to try to manipulate ratings,
to sell junk.
If they get caught,
they can just try again.
It’s a race to the bottom.”

MY readers are the readers
who are tired of reading junk.
They don’t get book recommendations
from Amazon.
They get them from other readers
they trust.

And when they find a writer
they like,
they’re loyal to that writer.

I sell at Amazon.
Of course, I do.
But I bring readers
to Amazon.
Amazon doesn’t bring readers
to me.

Don’t expect Amazon
to send customers your way
unless your product is the cheapest
or you’re prepared to buy
great reviews.