Does Schwag Have To Be Branded

Yesterday, I talked about
how different types of schwag,
small products given away
for promotional purposes,
serve different purposes.

Which leads to
the next question…

Does schwag have to be

I can see some of you
rolling your eyes,
thinking this is a no-brainer.
The product is being given away
for promotional purposes.
Of course,
it has to be branded.

No, it doesn’t.

If your purpose is
to pitch to prospects
and you’re giving away
edible schwag
to stop these prospects,
to capture them
for a longer time
to sell them,
say, on financing
your invention,
that schwag will be consumed.
It won’t matter
that your brand isn’t slapped
all over the bag of popcorn
or the banana.

Branding usually comes with
a higher cost.
Think before
you brand schwag.
Ask yourself
if branding it
will add value.

Categorized as Marketing