For a long time,
I was content to be
a reader (customer)
in the Romance Novel Industry.
Then I realized
there were gaps
in the product offerings.
There were stories
people weren’t telling.
I tried to encourage
favorite writers
to tell these stories.
They told me,
again and again,
that if I wanted these stories,
I should write them
So I did.
Angela Antony,
Founder Of
I talked to Mark [Cuban]
about how the culmination
of my research was
I was writing a book on this topic
– what were those issues
that were preventing
labor market efficiency
and how could we solve that.
Because I had strong conviction
that the technology to solve this
was available.
It just wasn’t being utilized
in a way that would work.
Mark was the first person
to say,
“Angela, you’re an entrepreneur…
No one is going to read your book
and take up your baton
and make this idea have
impact on the world.
You have to build this.
You see the space
like no one else can.”
Other people are busy.
If you want a product or service
to be available,
consider being the person
to offer it.