Supporting Dreams

Almost everyone reading this
has a very special gift.

We know how important
supporting seemingly ridiculous dreams
can be.

We’re business builders.
Some of our loved ones
think we’re chasing foolish dreams.
They believe we’re making things
difficult for ourselves
by trying to change the world
just a little.

They don’t understand.
But I do.
Many of the folks reading this post
understand also.
You’re not alone.

And it is important
that you are as supportive
of others’ dreams,
especially the dreams
of young people around us.

Others might not understand
but WE do.
That’s a special role
we have.

When I was a kid,
I wanted to be a computer programmer.
In my spare time,
I would design sprites and write code
for my family’s Commodore 64.

People I admired and respected
told me that
women didn’t code.
They told me
I couldn’t become a computer programmer.
No one contradicted them.

So I didn’t become
a computer programmer.

I still enjoy writing code today.
I suspect I would have been
an awesome computer programmer.

Dr. Patrice Harris,
of the American Medical Association,

“I recall early on
I had been advised to
perhaps go into nursing
and not medicine.

Nursing is a very noble career
and noble profession,
but it wasn’t what I wanted to do.

It could have been
related to the fact that
I was a woman,
the fact that
I was a person of color.

I don’t know.”

Be the voice of encouragement.
Support dreams.
Change the world.