The Power Of Negative Emotions

Envy is one of
the seven deadly sins.
We’re told it is bad.
We’re told we shouldn’t feel it.

I think that’s a load of sh*t.
Envy is one of
the most powerful emotions
we can have.
It shows us
what we truly want.

I’m not envious
of writers who get movie deals.
That’s not something I want.

I AM envious
of writers with huge readerships.
That IS something I want.
That is something
I’m working to acquire
for myself.

Susan David

“I’ve had hundreds of people
tell me
what they don’t want to feel.
They say things like
“I don’t want to try
because I don’t want to feel disappointed.”
“I just want this feeling to go away.”

“I understand,” I say to them
“But you have dead people’s goals.”

Only dead people
never get unwanted or inconvenienced
by their feelings.
Only dead people
never get stressed,
never get broken hearts,
never experience the disappointment
that comes with failure.

Tough emotions are part
of our contract with life.
You don’t get to
have a meaningful career
or raise a family
or leave the world
a better place
without stress and discomfort.

Discomfort is the price
to admission
to a meaningful life.”

You WILL have
negative emotions.
Accept that truth.
Learn how to use them.