I’m a big believer
in niches,
being a big fish
in a smaller pond,
a pond too small
for the huge, international,
and an-ability-to-starve
to compete in.
That’s the space
I, as a newer business,
In the Romance Novel Business,
I deliberately
don’t play in the spaces
large traditional publishers
I look at the numerous
other smaller niches.
I can charge more
and dominate those niches.
“…consider the prospect
of opening a specialty retail shop.
You don’t need
as much space or inventory.
Instead of selling everything,
you can sell
what you know and love.
And the best part?
You can charge higher prices.
After all, you’re the expert.
You’re the specialist.
Competition in business
makes space for specialists,
and the riches can be found
in the niches.”
Look for riches
in the niches.