Why Representation Matters

I travel by cruise ship quite often.
It is my preferred form
of vacation.

Cruise ship captains are
usually old, white men.
They originate from
all over the world
but they don’t often deviate
from that formula.

Recently, I took a vacation
on the Celebrity Equinox.
I noticed the different vibe
on the ship immediately.
The crew, from the Officers
to the stateroom attendants,
were upbeat, hopeful,
There were more smiles,
more people going the extra mile
for passengers,
more energy on board.

Why was there a different vibe?

I suspect it is
because the captain,
Captain Kate McCue,
is female.

She is proof
you don’t have to be
an old white guy
to be captain.
ANYONE, with hard work
and skill,
can hold that top role.

THIS is why
representation matters.
It inspires everyone
who doesn’t typically fit
the expectation.

Are you inspiring
or only one group
of people?