Who Are Your Newsletter Subscribers?

I strongly recommend
ALL businesses have a newsletter.
It is a means of reaching
customers and prospects
that we completely control.

(Download the list of subscribers
from the newsletter provider
once a month or more
to ensure you always have access
to those emails.)

What should you put
in your newsletter?

It depends on who
your subscribers are.

In the Romance Novel Business,
there are plenty of easier ways
to get basic information on writers
and simple book release information.

Most of the people
who subscribe to and READ
my newsletter are super fans.
They pre-order my books
as soon as they are available
(which is why I don’t see
a huge lift in sales
when I send a newsletter).
They pay full price.
They often know
as much about my books
as I do.

My newsletters are designed
for these super fans.
They have extra scenes.
They have tidbits
not appearing anywhere else.
They have insider ‘jokes.’

They do NOT sell books.
Those books are already purchased.

My newsletters are designed
to keep my super fans
super fans.

I strongly suggest you
1) Offer a newsletter
2) Figure out who your subscribers are
3) Design your newsletter
for those subscribers.

Categorized as Marketing