Do Some Research

Every day, I receive
at least one message
from a fellow writer
who doesn’t know anything
about me
wants something from me.

I have a website
and a blog.
My books are all over
social media.
A search on Google
takes 5 seconds.
Writers don’t even
have to click on the links.
They will see what I write
from the search results.

They want me to help them
yet they won’t take
5 seconds to find out
who I am.

I HAVE tried to help
writers like this
in the past.
I found they tended to ask
a gazillion questions
and never take action.

So I no longer help
if they don’t know who I am.
It is my first ‘test’
to determine whether or not
they’ll use my time wisely.

Do some research
before you approach someone
– experts, potential customers,
possible business partners.
Show them that respect.

Categorized as Sales