My cover artist is super skilled.
The level of care
she puts into her covers
is amazing.
The covers she has designed
for me
have won numerous awards,
garnering my books priceless publicity.
She told me recently
my covers were the best
she’d ever crafted.
She is wrong.
Most of her covers
have been that quality
or higher.
It is merely that
I TELL her
when her covers win awards,
when reviewers and readers
share how much they love
the covers she crafts for me.
Because no other writer
tells her this,
she believes
the covers she crafted for me
are the BEST.
She loves working with me,
puts my requests
at the top of her to-do lists.
“Every once in awhile,
someone steps up
and makes something better.
Much better.
When it happens,
it’s up to us
to stand up and notice it.”
If someone on your team
does great work,
acknowledge it.
If you don’t,
someone else will
and that someone else
will eventually be your team member’s focus.