If My Brand Isn’t Mentioned…

I’m one of the co-hosts
for a writing event.
I contributed substantially
to the event.
There are ten of us

Marketing was crafted.
Covers were featured.
Some writers had
two covers featured.

None of my covers
were included
in the promo material.
I wasn’t mentioned
even once.

So I’m not promoting the event.
Because I don’t know
if I’m truly welcome at this event.

I might have been allowed
to co-host
because it would look bad
to deny me
but the organizers didn’t truly
want me there.
It happens.

I’m not bringing my readers (customers)
to an event
where I and likely they
might not be welcome.
That would be foolish.

If you leave a main sponsor
off the marketing material,
it WILL be noticed.
Try to prevent this
from happening accidentally.

Categorized as Marketing