Gord Downie,
the lead singer of
The Tragically Hip,
died on Tuesday.
Canadian companies
and sports teams
honored his memory.
Canada’s Prime Minister cried.
I cried.
The rest of the world
didn’t notice.
Canada has only 10%
of the population
of the U.S.
Compared to the rest of the world,
it is a niche market.
The Tragically Hip
dominated that market.
They toured constantly,
doing what they loved,
creating a very Canadian legacy.
They earned
a healthy living
while doing this.
And when their lead singer died,
the entire niche market,
all of Canada,
THAT is significant.
A niche business
might be small
compared to the broader market
but it is important to that niche.
Remember that
be proud of what you’re building.
You and your business
DO matter.