Whose Advice Is Right?

One of my buddies
posted investing advice
for her nephew on Facebook.
The kid is 17 years old.

The advice was a no-brainer
– Invest a portion of everything
you earn,
starting as soon as
you graduate.

I was the first to comment,
telling him, ‘Yes, I did this
and it works.’

Then there was comment
after comment
of grown a$$ people
telling a teenage boy
not to follow this advice.

Had any of them
followed it?
Were any of them

Yet they were telling
that no matter what he did,
he’d be doomed financially,
he’d be poor.

You’re going to get
this same shitty response
when you tell
folks you plan to
build a business.

Folks who have never built a business,
who have never been successful
in business,
will tell you advice
given by successful business builders
is wrong.
They won’t have tried that advice.
They ‘just know.’

Ignore them.
They don’t ‘just know’ shit.