A writer I know
is always complaining
about something.
She doesn’t want help.
She merely wants
to vent.
The problem is…
she frames it
in the form of a question.
“Why are boxed sets
only open to bestselling writers?”
“Why won’t readers
review my books?”
“Why isn’t my book selling
a gazillion copies?”
When you ask a question,
you usually get answers.
You attract the attention
of people who genuinely care
and want to help you.
They spend time and effort
doing this.
Only to have that answer
brushed aside.
Which makes them
less likely to help you
in the future
and, ironically, gives you
more things to complain about.
When you want to complain,
don’t do it
in the form of a question.
Save your questions
for when you truly want answers.