Staying Ahead Of Competition By Learning More

You might be young now
but, if you’re fortunate,
you’ll get older.

One of the advantages
we have
as we age
is the compound effect of learning
really starts to pay off.

Reading one article a day
in our chosen field
becomes 365 articles read in a year,
3,650 articles read in a decade.
That is quite a bit of extra learning,
learning your competition might not be doing.

Sandy Rubinstein,
CEO of Dxagency,

“I stay ahead by reading.
I read what’s happening
in my clients’ industries
and in other industries.

It’s actually the other industries
where I learn the most.
I’ve found that it’s important
to keep your finger
on the pulse all around you.

That’s how you provide
the best for your company
and its clients.”

Did you read an extra article