Every day,
I see people spouting off
about things
they know jack shit about.
Heck, there’s a certain leader
of a certain country
that makes shit up
as he goes along.
Don’t do this.
There’s enough noise
around us.
Don’t contribute to it.
You don’t know everything
about everything.
No one does.
It is okay to say “I don’t know.”
“I’ll find out the answer
and get back to you.”
Because sharing an opinion
about something you’re not an expert in
can really hurt the people listening to you.
They could base life-changing decisions
on your shitty opinion.
You will also,
when faced with a true expert,
look like an ignorant jack ass
and the people listening
will never trust you again.
If you’re not the expert,
either shut up
or, ideally,
ask questions and learn.