How To Coach Your Loved Ones To Support You In Sales

There are no easy sales.
Almost every big sale you make
will have speed bumps,
times in the sale
where everything goes wrong
and you think
the sale is lost.

You will be depressed,
frustrated, angry,
in the depths of despair.

This is when
your loved ones,
the folks who support you,
can make a big difference.

They can remind you
there are no easy sales,
that this is a speed bump
you will get over,
that you have other sales
in the funnel,
that you HAVE this,
you can deal with this situation.
They can give you
the optimism
that every salesperson requires
to make a sale.

If they are new to supporting you
in sales,
these loved ones will likely need
to be coached
(as you needed to be coached
when you took on a new role).

Our natural reaction
is to dwell in the depths of despair
with our loved ones.
This isn’t helpful.

To help you,
as a salesperson,
our loved ones need training.
They need to learn
how to do the opposite
of what their instincts
tell them to do.

When you feel able
(i.e. semi-rational),
tell them what you need to hear,
give them the tools
they will require
to support you.
Then remind them
from time to time
because they will relapse.
It takes time
to learn this new skill.

Supporting a salesperson
isn’t something
people are born to do.
Coach your loved ones.

Categorized as Sales