Saying No To Sales

I have a romance novel
(a product)
that isn’t for everyone.
So I tell people exactly this.
“This story isn’t for everyone.
If you are sensitive to X,
consider reading another one
of my stories.”

I thought this warning
would decrease sales.
This story is my number one best seller.

Tim Berry,
Founder of
Palo Alto Software,

“I learned to say
“No, that’s not what I do.”
And I discovered that
saying no
gave me credibility.

Some potential clients would then
ask more about what I did do.
And some would call me back later
for what I did do.

I saw selling as
first listening to what my prospect needed,
then matching that—or not—
to what I could deliver.”

If your service or product
isn’t right for the prospect,
tell her.
Say ‘no’ to that sale.

Categorized as Sales