Companies Publicly Endorsing Candidates

D.G. Yuengling & Son, Inc.
has come under fire recently
for endorsing one of the Presidential Candidates.

Here’s the issue
I have with this…
A company isn’t a person.
A company can’t vote.
A company doesn’t have an opinion.

Companies consist of people,
sometimes one person
(in the case of my business),
often many people.

All of the employees of
D.G. Yuengling & Son, Inc
didn’t endorse this candidate.
One person, their owner, did.

But instead of speaking as a person,
he decided he’d speak for EVERYONE
who worked, works, will work for the company,
past, present and future.

That’s someone with big balls.

As business builders,
we speak on behalf of ourselves,
as individuals,
and on behalf of our companies.

Make a conscious decision
as to whom you’re speaking on behalf of
and make that clear to listeners.