Chris Evert On Business And Persistence

Every January,
masses of newbie writers
decide they’ll write
their first books.

By now,
the end of October,
they’ve quit.

Not because they didn’t have talent.
They have sufficient talent
to build a career.

Not because they didn’t have time.
We all have the same hours
in a day.

But because they didn’t stick
with the writing.
It wasn’t as exciting as they thought
it would be.
It wasn’t a quick as they thought
it would be.
They gave up.

Chris Evert,
tennis player
and entrepreneur,

“Get good advice
from other business people
and don’t go in over your head.

Be conservative
from the beginning.

Find a passion you love
and believe in what you are doing.

But, really,
it is most important
to surround yourself
with the right people
and keep at it.

Soon, you will see things
start to happen.”

Keep at it.
You can do this.
I believe in you.