Own Your Expertise Angle

Recently, a loved one
was asked to speak
at a huge conference
about a technology.

This loved one
is a salesguy.
He isn’t an engineer.
He will never completely understand
the technical workings
of the product he was asked
to talk about.

He asked me
if he should decline
the opportunity.
He felt like a fraud.

I told him
that the organizers knew
who he was
before they asked him.
If they wanted
a techie,
they would have asked
a techie.
They wanted a salesperson
to explain it
in terms
regular folks understood.

When he did his presentation,
he didn’t try to be someone
he wasn’t.
He stood on the stage
and said he was a salesguy,
not a technie,
and here was why he was excited
about the technology.
The audience loved it.
He’s been asked
to do more presentations.

You have an unique angle.
Use it.

Categorized as Marketing