The cutoff grade for my program
at university was an 87 (out of a 100) average.
I squeaked in
with an 87.5 average.
I knew at least 33% of my classmates
would flunk out.
I knew I would have to work
extra hard
to go from the bottom of the class
to the top 67%.
I worked it
and I graduated.
Many of my classmates
with the high marks?
They didn’t graduate.
They had never worked for anything,
had always gotten by
on their greater than average intelligence.
When they faced their first failure,
they didn’t have the coping tactics
to push past it.
“You’re going to have to
fight for every single thing,
forever and ever.
It’s really unlikely
that they will pick you,
anoint you
or hand you
the audience
and support you seek.”
Knowing this,
knowing you’ll have to fight
for everything,
is a gift.
Use it.