The media doesn’t like
Normal isn’t a story.
Normal doesn’t attract eyeballs.
To ‘fix’ this,
the media has settled
upon a formula.
They will build a person or product
or company
broadcasting only positive stories.
Then, when the public gets bored
with that,
they will tear this latest star down,
broadcasting a slew of negative stories.
This works great…
for the media,
so great that smaller review sites
and bloggers and local newspapers
are using this tactic too.
There’s almost nothing
you can do about the tear down stage.
If the media doesn’t find legitimate dirt,
they will willfully misinterpret
anything and everything
to create dirt.
What you CAN do
is take full advantage of
the build up stage,
win those new customers over
make them super fans
so they’ll stick with you
during the tear down stage.
Know the media cycles
and use them.