As both a writer
and a businesswoman,
I’m very conscious
of the power of word choice.
One wrong word
can change the entire tone
of a paragraph,
a page,
an idea.
It can change the way
a reader
perceives the character
for the ENTIRE book.
An example…
Ally and friend
might be suggested
by a thesaurus as synonyms
but they hold VERY different meanings.
Ally has war connotations.
Allies are aligned
against a common enemy.
It is a colder word,
hints at a lack of personal engagement.
Friend is warmer, friendlier, loving.
It is personal
and emotional.
When we say friend,
we envision a table,
not a battlefield.
Using ally escalates
tense situations.
Using friend calms
the situation down.
Be conscious of word choices.
Words will change your message.