Sales And Momentum

An object in motion
tends to stay in motion.

The issue is…
sales aren’t objects.
Having huge sales today
doesn’t guarantee huge sales tomorrow.

Seth Godin

“Authors fall into this trap
over and over again.
They believe that a big launch,
the huge push upfront,
the bending of the media
in their favor (at any cost)
is the way to ensure that
weeks two and three and eleven
will continue to show solid growth.”

What big sales today
DOES help with
is providing a base
for word of mouth to happen.

I know that if I have X sales
on release day
and those X readers read my story
and love my story,
they’ll talk about it.
Sales tomorrow will increase.

Sales might not drive future sales
but, if the product/service is great,
it WILL drive word of mouth,
which will, in turn,
drive future sales.

Categorized as Sales