I had a healthy readership for a series.
I’ll admit that
I was getting a little cocky,
a little lazy with returning emails
and promoting.
Then I killed a beloved secondary character
and 66% of that readership went away.
Gone instantly.
A writer is only
as good as her most recent book.
A business is only
as good as its most recent product.
The customer could walk tomorrow
and we should be conscious of that.
Michael Binstein,
CEO of Binny’s Beverage Depot,
(this entire interview
is well worth reading)
“Somebody wants your business.
Every single day,
somebody wants your customer.
The reality is,
we may sign 99-year leases,
but we have day-to-day
employment contracts with
every single one of our 7 million customers.
And if a customer decides to fire you,
you don’t get two weeks’ notice.”
Don’t take your customers for granted.
Stay hungry.
Stay grateful.
Continue to put in the work.