Reading Into Rejection

One thing writers know
a lot about is
Stories are rejected by
agents, editors, publishers,
reviewers, bloggers, readers.

Our rejections are often public.
Everyone can see
the 1 star reviews
I receive on
my stories.
They’re posted on Amazon
right on the listing.

New writers worry
about rejection.
They might self-edit their stories,
trying not to be rejected.

Experienced writers embrace it.
We’re creating change.
Change isn’t for everyone.
That X reader doesn’t like a story
means a whole lot of nothing.
Plenty of other readers will like it.

You should embrace rejection also.
You’re every bit as unique
as one of my stories.
You can’t expect to be everyone’s taste.

Seth Godin

“Short version: You got rejected.
The words and the tone
of the rejection
aren’t going to tell you much,
and every moment
you spend dissecting them
is a way to hide
from the real work
of making something
that will resonate tomorrow.”

Expect rejection.
Embrace it.