Outsourcing Marketing

I guest hosted
at a Facebook party today.
The party was to promote
a new release
by another writer.

It was held
by a marketing company.
The writer outsourced
all of the work.

That’s fine.
Plenty of people do that.

Except he didn’t even show up
at his own party.
He didn’t contact the 10 guest hosts
volunteering their time,
sharing their readership.
He didn’t thank readers for attending.

What happened?

It turned into a general party,
not his release party.
The guest hosts,
including myself,
weren’t going to promote
someone they didn’t know,
especially someone
who disrespected his readers
by not showing up to his own party.

Outsourcing marketing is great.
But you can’t outsource all involvement.
You have to show up
at your company’s events.

Categorized as Marketing