The Content You Already Have

On one of my writing blogs,
I write quite a bit
about a certain type of hero.
I have hundreds of posts
on this topic.

So I organized this content
on a page,
giving writers a database
of information they might need.
I framed this as an FAQ.
I crafted questions
and linked to the post answering it.

It is one of my most visited pages.
I’m seen as an expert.
I’m invited on blogs and to online debates.

If you’ve been blogging
for a while,
you have likely gathering
quite a bit of information
on one, two, or more topics.

Take an hour or two
and organize these posts.
Think of the questions
that might be asked on the topic.
Link to a post answering it.

Use the content you already have.
Frame yourself as the expert you are.

Categorized as Marketing