Whom You Listen To

A newer writer asked
for blurb (back cover marketing copy)
She was writing in my niche.
She would likely be my competition.

I was once a new writer,
and a more established writer helped me.
I gave her some advice,
not ‘popular’ advice,
REAL advice.

Another writer linked to advice,
the ‘popular’ advice,
the advice newer writes like to hear.

A quick check of sales ranks
on Amazon
revealed that both writers,
the writer recommending the post
and the writer
who wrote the post,
have sold very few books.

In contrast,
I currently have books
in the top 10
of the niche she’s targeting.
I have USA Today Bestselling
above my name.
Clearly, I have credentials.

The newer writer
listened to the ‘popular’ advice,
disregarding my conflicting advice.

In this information age,
it is VERY easy
to check credentials.
Only follow ‘popular’ advice,
if the people promoting this advice
have seen results.

Categorized as Marketing