Both Sharknado and
the latest Fantastic Four
are terrible movies.
has become a pop culture phenomenon.
Viewers see it as being campy and fun.
Fantastic Four is shrouded
with bitterness.
Viewers are angry about it.
Why do viewers perceive
these two bad movies
so differently?
One reason
is because
the teams surrounding the movies
have vastly different attitudes.
The stars of Sharknado
embraced the badness of the movie.
They joked about it,
made it a selling point,
rather than a downfall.
They framed it as fun
and viewers perceived it
the same way.
Some of the stars
of Fantastic Four
haven’t even seen
their film.
Kate Mara called it
“a shit movie.”
They framed it as awful
and viewers perceived it
the same way.
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