The Résumé Of An Enterpreneur

Over decades of reading
entrepreneurs’ stories,
I’ve seen trends.
Entrepreneurs tend to start working early
and, as young people,
they hold an assortment of jobs.

Shannon Rogers,
President of
Global Relay,
her early working career.

“Even in law school,
I spent time at different jobs
to make enough money
to go back to school
the next year.
Through most of law school
I was a cocktail waitress
at a bar in Montreal.
I started with a paper route,
and I was a fish and chips waitress.
I also lived in Zambia
for about a year
and worked at a Safari camp.
It was an entrepreneurial venture, too,
getting the camp built and set up.”

If you want to hire
an entrepreneurial minded employee,
that’s the sort of crazy résumé
you’ll looking for,
the kind that makes
the average Human Resources employee

If you have this sort of résumé,
it doesn’t guarantee
that you’ll be successful
as an entrepreneur
but I doubt you’ll be happy
in a non-entrepreneurial environment.