Interacting With Your Customers

One of my pen names
has the reputation
of being one of the most accessible authors
in Romanceland.

I have thousands of readers.
How do I interact with all of them?

I don’t.

The majority of my readers
simply want to read my stories.
They don’t want to email me
or belong to my newsletter list
or interact with me
on Facebook.

A smaller group
wants to be informed
of new releases
and that’s it.

An even tinier group,
around 1% of my readers,
want to interact with me.
When I post a question to readers,
I’m responding to less than 100 readers,
not thousands.

ALL of my readers know
they have the OPTION
of interacting with me.

THIS is why social media
is important.
Your customer might not speak up
but they know they have the ability
to contact you if they wished.
And they SEE
that you respond to questions/comments.

Consider responding to social media comments.

Categorized as Marketing