How You Get Seals Of Approval

One of the recent marketing strategies
for writers
is to contribute a story
to a boxed set
with 10, 20, 30 other writers,
sell the boxed set for 99 cents,
with the hope
of getting on the best seller lists.

Why would they do this?

Because having
New York Times Best Selling
above a pen name
reassures readers.
They’re more likely
to try a new-to-them writer.

Readers don’t investigate
HOW a writer gets this
best selling
seal of approval.
They only care
that the writer has it.

Customers won’t investigate
how your brand receives yours either.
‘As Seen In’ XXX magazine
increases sales
even though
the brand
might have purchased
a small classified ad.

Is it ethical?
That’s up to you to decide.
But it DOES increase sales.

Categorized as Marketing