Take A Day Off

The majority of people are nice.
The majority of processes work.
Unfortunately that one nasty person,
that one frustrating process,
can test our patience,
push us to lose our tempers.

When I worked in corporate
and I found my frustration building,
I would take a mental health day,
a day where I’d stay at home.
My thinking was…
it is better to take a day off
than to lose my temper
and say something I’ll regret for years.

Now that I’m a writer,
an entrepreneur,
I take the day off social media,
off email,
off interacting with everyone.

The business doesn’t implode
because I miss one day
and I return mentally refreshed,
able to deal with that
one romance reader who has an issue
with the color of my cover
or the name of my heroine
or the setting of my story.

If you find yourself
growing more and more frustrated,
take a day off.

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