We’re entrepreneurs.
We’ll fail.
One of the deciding factors
in our success
is how long it will take us
to determine a failure.
In December 2014
Men’s Fitness,
Mario Armstrong shares
“I like to apply
the scientific method
to any task.
After devising a hypothesis,
like ‘Can I run 15 miles each week?’
I test it by seeing
if I can accomplish my goal.
If I can,
I keep pushing –
maybe my next hypothesis will be
to see if I can run 20 miles each week.
If I ‘fail,’
it’s back to Step 1
and creating a new hypothesis
based on the results of the first experiment.
I couldn’t run 15 miles in a week
but realized I could run 7,
so my next hypothesis is
to see if I can push myself
from there to 10 miles.
Technically I never failed –
I just discovered something
about the current version
of myself,
then started working
on a ‘system upgrade.'”
Test your hypothesis.
Determine success or failure.
Adjust that hypothesis.