The Size Of The Market

It’s important
to complete a market analysis
before launching a new product.

What are you looking for?

You ideally want a market
that is already large
or that has growth potential.
If the market is small
and will remain small,
your product’s sales will be limited.

Carol Leaman*,
CEO and founder
Axonify Inc,

“One of the difficulties
we had
[at the first start up]
was that we did not deeply assess
the product/market fit.
The market was very small
and not growing by significant amounts,
so it didn’t matter what we did,
we weren’t going to grow
by a whole lot.

I wouldn’t have started
my current venture, Axonify,
if I had not fully believed that
the market was gigantic
and growing rapidly
and that we had an awesome product
to fit the market need.”

Complete a market analysis
before launching
a new product/business.

*August 2014
CPA Magazine