Your Ask Shouldn’t Surpass The Reward

When I run a contest,
I put a lot of thought into
what I’ll ask readers to do
what I’ll give them as a prize.

If I’m giving away a 99 cent eBook,
I won’t ask them
to do a dozen things.
Readers won’t work that hard
for such a small reward.
Instead, I’ll ask them to do one thing
– sign up for my newsletter.

If I’m giving away a $50 gift card,
I’ll ask them
to sign up for my newsletter,
like my Facebook page,
add my book to their Goodreads TBR list.
The bigger reward
will incent reader to do more.

As Erika Napoletano

“The volume of information
you’re requesting from a site visitor
should pretty much equal
the value of the information
you’re willing to provide.

In other words,
make sure your ask
matches your customer’s threshold for sharing.
If you’re offering a quote for medical insurance,
sure, you’re going to need more information
than just a name and email address.
But if you’re offering a free download,
toolkit or
some other promotional bit of information,
you’d probably be best to ask for
the minimal amount of customer information
(an email address)
in exchange.”

Look at the difficulty of your ask
the value of your reward.

Categorized as Marketing