I’ve been challenged to fast
(water is fine but no food)
every Monday.
It’s tough
but it has changed
my perspective on life.
The things I think I HAVE to have
(like chocolate),
I can go without.
The little nuisances
become unimportant
when I’m hungry.
Best of all,
it resets my food expectations
to zero.
I’m not eating X
because I always eat X.
I’m not eating at a specific time
because I always eat then.
Without these habits,
my options are unlimited.
I’ve had similar experiences
at the end of contracts,
between schooling
and working full time,
when I moved homes.
There’s a resetting to zero.
My future is all blue sky.
Anything is possible.
If you find yourself
limited by your past,
consider resetting to zero.
Take a day or a week or a year
and temporarily disassociate
from this area of your past.