Newsletters Vs Facebook Pages

A writer recently told me
that she was concentrating on
growing her Facebook Page likes,
instead of her newsletter subscribers.

Facebook, her publisher told her,
was where her readers were.

Here’s the issue with this.
In order to access her own readers
on her Facebook page,
she’ll have to pay to boost her posts.
Yes, she has to PAY to access
her own readers!
And even then,
she can’t be assured
everyone will see her announcement.

Newsletters, on the other hand,
can be free or very inexpensive.
She controls who receives them.
She can change the newsletter distribution company
any time she likes.

Ideally, she’d do both
–build her newsletter subscriber list
AND her Facebook page likes.

When I have to choose,
I ALWAYS promote my newsletter
as my first means of communication.

Categorized as Marketing