Off The Record

One of my loved ones
was stopped by a reporter.
He was in a rush
and said he couldn’t answer her question
but did so in a flippant way
as he passed her.

He was wearing a name tag
and, the next day,
he was surprised to find himself

There’s no off the record any more.
There are no private moments.
Everyone has a camera on their phone
or some sort of recording device.

As entrepreneurs,
when we are in public,
we’re representing our companies,
our products.
Everything we do or say
can be posted online
and exist in cyberspace forever.

There’s also no sense of time
in cyberspace.
Anything we said ten years ago
could be ‘breaking’ news today.

Assume that everything you say or do
will be put on the internet.
Prepare for anything you’ve said or done
in the past
(yes, even during those wild college years)
to be posted or reported.

Categorized as Marketing