Be Unique

Carmine Gallo

“The human brain loves novelty.
An unfamiliar, unusual,
or unexpected element in a presentation
intrigues the audience,
jolts them out of their preconceived notions,
and quickly gives them
a new way of looking at the world.

It takes creativity
to reveal information
that’s completely new to your audience,
packaged differently,
or offers a fresh and novel way
to solve an old problem.”

It also takes balls.
Saying the same ol’ thing
in the same ol’ way
is safe.
There’s little risk.

With this reduced risk
comes reduced impact.

In the past,
I’d write ‘safe’ blog posts
under one of my romance writing pen names.
I didn’t want to offend anyone,
to stop them from getting to the ‘real’ information,
the cover, blurb and buy links for my latest release.

What I found was…
these posts were so safe,
no one read that far.
I wasn’t selling books.
I would have been better off
not writing blog posts at all.

Today, I write balls to the wall.
I ensure everything I say is fresh
or I don’t bother saying it.

Be unique.

Categorized as Marketing